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Learn about Hala Sedky's wish in 2022.. This is what she asked her fans for


Actress Hala Sedky, her followers and fans, shared her happiness at welcoming the new year 2022.

And Hala wrote, through her account on Instagram: "Every year, you are a thousand good, health and happiness. Each one writes his wish, and next year we say it is fulfilled or not, and instead of Santa gifts, everyone wishes me a wish."

She added, "I wish health and protection for all my friends, and have mercy on every dear one who is absent, heal and relieve the pain of every patient, Lord, and let Santa send us many gifts."

It is reported that Hala Sidqi's last artistic participation was the series "Les La", starring: Amina Khalil, Sherine Reda, Hani Adel, Muhammad Al-Sharnoubi, Mohsen Mohi Al-Din, Tariq Al-Saeed, and it was written by Maryam Naoum, directed by Maryam Abu Auf.

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