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The search trip extended from Cairo to Aswan.. The story of Shadia's disappearance on New Year's Eve


Shadia Shadia Dalila Films Dalila Film Aswan Christmas New Year's Celebrations New Year's Day Shadia's songs Stars of the beautiful time

Many celebrate New Year’s holidays, in which many celebrations are held with joy at the coming of the New Year, and the stars of the beautiful time used to celebrate New Year’s Day and gather to congregate and remember many memories, and talk about their aspirations and hopes for the new year.

One of the most important memories of the great artist, Shadia, was about the celebrations of New Year's Day that year, in which she was filming scenes of the movie Dalila in Aswan.

The great artist said in a rare interview that the New Year's Day coincided with the filming of the scenes of the movie in Aswan, but she noticed that none of the film's employees thought about celebrating the New Year.

Shadia indicated that she was pessimistic about not celebrating the New Year as she used to every year, and decided to travel to Cairo quickly to celebrate the New Year with her family as she used to every year, and indeed she went out in the morning from the hotel and rode the train to Cairo and spent New Year's night with her family and exchanged with Her family members gave gifts, and then she took the train back to Asson to resume filming her scenes in the movie.

All this without Shadia telling any of her colleagues or the film’s staff about her travel, and while she was celebrating New Year’s Day with her family, all the film crew were worried, who searched for her everywhere in Aswan to no avail. They even contacted the producer of the film in Cairo to tell him of her disappearance. The producer was afraid to ask someone from her family so that they would not feel anxious. A number of her friends asked artists in Cairo, but none of them reassured him.

Suddenly, while everyone was looking for Shadia and overwhelmed with anxiety, the great artist, smiling and happy, congratulated them on the New Year, and was surprised by the state of anxiety and panic in which they lived because of her disappearance.

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